Dentist Salaries in Belfast, Northern Ireland

Updated 17 Aug 2023
Base Pay Range
GBP 34K - GBP 60K/yr
Average Base Pay

8 salaries

No additional cash compensation has been reported for this role

How much does a Dentist make in Belfast, Northern Ireland? The average salary for a Dentist is £45,317 in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Salaries estimates are based on 8 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Dentist employees in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

How accurate is an average base pay range of GBP 34K-GBP 60K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Dentist?

in Belfast, Northern Ireland

GBP 45,317 /yr
No Salary Reports
Dentist III
GBP 45,317 /yr
Lead Dentist
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Dentist?

Job titleSalary
DentistGBP 45,317 /yr
Dentist III
Lead DentistGBP 45,317 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Dentist?

Associate General Dentist

GBP 49,664

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Dental Assistant

GBP 20,240

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Dental Hygienist

GBP 33,297

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Pediatric Dentist

GBP 45,317

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Dentist?

in Belfast, Northern Ireland

GBP 45,317 /yr
No Salary Reports
Dentist III
GBP 45,317 /yr
Lead Dentist
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Dentist?

Job titleSalary
DentistGBP 45,317 /yr
Dentist III
Lead DentistGBP 45,317 /yr

Salaries in Belfast, Northern Ireland



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Average Base Salary in (GBP)




GBP 47K -GBP 55K

1 salaries
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GBP 46,781 - GBP 54,650 Range

Aspen Dental

Aspen Dental


GBP 45K -GBP 55K

1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



GBP 45,399 - GBP 54,772 Range

Total Orthodontics

Total Orthodontics

Dentist - Monthly


1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



GBP 4,620 - GBP 5,402 Range



Associate Dentist

GBP 65,000

Range: GBP 45K - GBP 80K
3 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



GBP 45,000 - GBP 80,000 Range

Portman Dentex

Portman Dentex

Associate Dentist

GBP 184K -GBP 215K

1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations

GBP 184K

GBP 215K

GBP 184,349 - GBP 214,658 Range

Smart Dental Care

Smart Dental Care

Associate Dentist - Monthly


1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



GBP 2,779 - GBP 3,252 Range


Dentistry on Catherine Street

Associate Dentist

GBP 31K -GBP 37K

1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



GBP 31,148 - GBP 37,132 Range

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Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency

Northern Ireland Medical and Dental Training Agency

Foundation Dentist

GBP 34K -GBP 39K

1 salaries
See 8 salaries from all locations



GBP 34,026 - GBP 39,500 Range

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Dentist in Belfast, Northern Ireland Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/yr
Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/yr
Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/mo
Associate Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/yr
Associate Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/yr
Associate Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/mo
Associate Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/yr
Foundation Dentist salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedBelfast, Northern Ireland/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Dentist salaries

The average salary for a Dentist is GBP 45,317 per year in Belfast, Northern Ireland. Salaries estimates are based on 8 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Dentist employees in Belfast, Northern Ireland.

The highest salary for a Dentist in Belfast, Northern Ireland is GBP 59,529 per year.

The lowest salary for a Dentist in Belfast, Northern Ireland is GBP 34,498 per year.

Dentists are among the most highly paid professionals. This salary reflects the field's high educational barriers to entry and in-demand work. Dentists work full-time, and often face irregular, holiday, and overnight hours. In order to increase their salary, dentists might progress to becoming a partner in a dentist practice, or train in a hospital to become specialised in implants or paediatric dentistry, among other options. Some dentists also become consultants, which gives them some additional opportunities in the private sector.

Boost your prestige as a dentist by specialising a specific area. By offering specialised services such as orthodontics or endodontics, you can increase your earning potential. You can also offer additional services, such as cosmetic dentistry or teeth whitening to attract more patients and generate greater revenue.

It is essential to invest in your online presence. Don’t underestimate the power of an attractive website and a strong social media presence when it comes to bringing more patients to your surgery. On a professional level, consider actively participating in conferences and seminars to boost your prestige in the sector and open up new opportunities.

Finally, you may like to consider working in more than one dental practice to increase your patient base and income.

Before you begin negotiating for higher pay, get an inside overview of the average salary for dentist jobs in your area. If your current salary is comparatively low, you can decide whether it’s worth negotiating for a pay rise in your current job or apply for a new one. During salary negotiation as a dentist, you need to show a track record of excellent work, bringing new patients into the surgery, and excellent customer relations. If you are located in a remote area or an area with a high demand for dentists, you will be in a more favourable position to negotiate a high salary.




