Mechanical Engineer Salaries in Oak Brook, IL

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
USD 75K - USD 112K/yr
Average Base Pay

51,981 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUSD 16,531RangeUSD 12,399 - USD 23,144
The average salary for Mechanical Engineer is USD 108,397 per year in the Oak Brook, IL. The average additional cash compensation for a Mechanical Engineer in the Oak Brook, IL is USD 16,531, with a range from USD 12,399 - USD 23,144. Salaries estimates are based on 51981 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Mechanical Engineer employees in Oak Brook, IL.
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What is the salary trajectory for a Mechanical Engineer?

in Oak Brook, IL

USD 108,397 /yr
Mechanical Engineer
USD 160,077 /yr
Senior Mechanical Engineer
USD 132,422 /yr
Mechanical Engineer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Mechanical Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Mechanical EngineerUSD 108,397 /yr
Senior Mechanical EngineerUSD 160,077 /yr
Mechanical Engineer IVUSD 132,422 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Mechanical Engineer?

Mechanical Engineer Intern

USD 52,437

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Entry Level Mechanical Engineer

USD 82,530

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Entry Mechanical Engineer

USD 102,322

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Entry Level Mechanical Engineer

USD 57,345

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Mechanical Engineer?

in Oak Brook, IL

USD 108,397 /yr
Mechanical Engineer
USD 160,077 /yr
Senior Mechanical Engineer
USD 132,422 /yr
Mechanical Engineer IV
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Mechanical Engineer?

Job titleSalary
Mechanical EngineerUSD 108,397 /yr
Senior Mechanical EngineerUSD 160,077 /yr
Mechanical Engineer IVUSD 132,422 /yr

Salaries in Oak Brook, IL



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


Chamberlain Group

Chamberlain Group

Mechanical Engineer

USD 94,955

Range: USD 79K - USD 115K
5 salaries
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USD 115K

USD 78,749 - USD 114,889 Range

De Amertek Corp

De Amertek Corp

Mechanical Engineer

USD 79,510

Range: USD 67K - USD 95K
2 salaries
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USD 66,846 - USD 94,574 Range

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Mechanical Engineer in Oak Brook, IL Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Mechanical Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOak Brook, IL/yr
Mechanical Engineer salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedOak Brook, IL/yr
Viewing 1 - 1 of 1

Frequently asked questions about a Mechanical Engineer salaries

The average salary for a Mechanical Engineer is USD 108,397 per year in Oak Brook, IL. Salaries estimates are based on 51981 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by a Mechanical Engineer employees in Oak Brook, IL.

The highest salary for a Mechanical Engineer in Oak Brook, IL is USD 135,006 per year.

The lowest salary for a Mechanical Engineer in Oak Brook, IL is USD 87,841 per year.

Mechanical engineering salaries are high, reflecting the field’s significant barriers to entry. A bachelor’s in engineering degree is considered a minimum qualification, although many firms strongly prefer candidates with internship experience. Once hired, mechanical engineers typically work full time and are paid a salary with full benefits. Candidates with a master's degree are typically paid higher than candidates with only a bachelor’s degree. Successful mechanical engineers can earn a Professional Engineering (PE) license that indicates they are ready for more leadership responsibility, or they may choose to transition into a project manager role.

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Anonymous Glassdoor ratings show that 73% of mechanical engineers are happy with their salaries. A post-graduate degree, board certifications, and a few years of experience help make it possible to earn good money in the role, especially with bonuses and profit sharing adding up to a potential $16,531.45.

A mechanical engineer's level of experience can help determine total pay, which could range from $72,785.97 to $163,788.91 per year. Total pay is equivalent to your salary plus any added bonuses and benefits. For example, after following the mechanical engineer career path, a person could qualify for a job as a principal mechanical engineer, which comes with a higher potential total pay.

Do you want to earn a higher salary as a mechanical engineer? Start thinking about what you have to offer your current or prospective employer. What qualifications and skills distinguish you from other mechanical engineers, and how can you improve your credentials and possibly increase your paycheck?

If you started out with an associate degree, the next step would be to complete your bachelor's in mechanical engineering. Choose a college or university course that is accredited by the Accreditation Board of Engineering Technology (ABET). Also, consider completing your master's degree.

Obtain certifications that validate your skills. This could include certifications for assistive design, project management, and test and balance engineering.

Wanting to negotiate the best possible salary in your mechanical engineer job? Find out what mechanical engineers with experience similar to yours are earning and use it as a baseline. Highlight your most desirable job-related skills. They can be a great bargaining chip.

If you love your current job but feel the need to ask for a raise, be honest about it. The average annual pay increase is around 3% but you could open negotiations by asking for 10 to 20%, especially if your work responsibilities have changed drastically since you first started. With some luck, your employer might even agree to a raise of more than 3%.

About 73.33% of Mechanical Engineer professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $16,531 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of a Mechanical Engineer in Oak Brook, IL as a good salary.

Mechanical Engineer professionals in Oak Brook, IL have a wide total pay range, between $72,786 and $163,789 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $108,397 following the average career path of a Mechanical Engineer.



mechanical engineer


Oak Brook