Office Manager Salaries in Redwood City, CA

Updated 10 Feb 2024
Base Pay Range
USD 57K - USD 92K/yr
Average Base Pay

39,712 salaries

Additional Cash Compensation
AverageUSD 11,521RangeUSD 8,641 - USD 16,130
The average salary for Office Manager is USD 84,214 per year in the Redwood City, CA. The average additional cash compensation for a Office Manager in the Redwood City, CA is USD 11,521, with a range from USD 8,641 - USD 16,130. Salaries estimates are based on 39712 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by Office Manager employees in Redwood City, CA.
How accurate is an average base pay range of USD 57K-USD 92K/yr?
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What is the salary trajectory for a Office Manager?

in Redwood City, CA

USD 84,214 /yr
Office Manager
USD 110,153 /yr
Senior Office Manager
USD 86,835 /yr
Lead Office Manager
See Full Career Path

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What is the salary trajectory for a Office Manager?

Job titleSalary
Office ManagerUSD 84,214 /yr
Senior Office ManagerUSD 110,153 /yr
Lead Office ManagerUSD 86,835 /yr

What are some related job titles for a Office Manager?

Business Office Manager

USD 94,518

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Office Manager/Executive Assistant

USD 95,727

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs

Medical Office Manager

USD 95,640

per year

View SalariesSee Open Jobs
What is the salary trajectory for a Office Manager?

in Redwood City, CA

USD 84,214 /yr
Office Manager
USD 110,153 /yr
Senior Office Manager
USD 86,835 /yr
Lead Office Manager
See Full Career Path

View as data table

What is the salary trajectory for a Office Manager?

Job titleSalary
Office ManagerUSD 84,214 /yr
Senior Office ManagerUSD 110,153 /yr
Lead Office ManagerUSD 86,835 /yr

Salaries in Redwood City, CA



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Average Base Salary in (USD)


Redwood Dental

Redwood Dental

Office Manager - Hourly

USD 32

Range: USD 27 - USD 39
2 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations

USD 27

USD 39

USD 27 - USD 39 Range



Office Manager

USD 91,835

Range: USD 73K - USD 115K
2 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 115K

USD 73,443 - USD 115,281 Range

Turner Boyd

Office Manager

USD 91,894

Range: USD 77K - USD 109K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 109K

USD 77,152 - USD 109,453 Range

Gary Pollack Construction and Excavation

Gary Pollack Construction and Excavation

Office Manager - Hourly

USD 40

Range: USD 32 - USD 49
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations

USD 32

USD 49

USD 32 - USD 49 Range

Peninsula RSI Chiropractic Wellness Center

Office Manager - Hourly

USD 31

Range: USD 25 - USD 37
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations

USD 25

USD 37

USD 25 - USD 37 Range



Office Manager

USD 88,530

Range: USD 73K - USD 107K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 107K

USD 73,146 - USD 107,151 Range



Office Manager

USD 101,405

Range: USD 80K - USD 129K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 129K

USD 79,948 - USD 129,140 Range

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Perfect World North America

Perfect World North America

Office Manager

USD 69,952

Range: USD 57K - USD 85K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations



USD 57,300 - USD 85,397 Range



Office Manager - Hourly

USD 41

Range: USD 34 - USD 49
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations

USD 34

USD 49

USD 34 - USD 49 Range



Office Manager

USD 79,499

Range: USD 65K - USD 98K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations



USD 64,569 - USD 97,882 Range

Fiesta Auto Insurance

Fiesta Auto Insurance

Office Manager - Hourly

USD 29

Range: USD 26 - USD 33
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations

USD 26

USD 33

USD 26 - USD 33 Range



Office Manager

USD 120,868

Range: USD 95K - USD 155K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 155K

USD 94,807 - USD 154,844 Range

Gearbox Publishing San Francisco

Gearbox Publishing San Francisco

Office Manager

USD 66,389

Range: USD 55K - USD 80K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations



USD 55,328 - USD 79,662 Range

Acerta Pharma

Acerta Pharma

Office Manager

USD 104,745

Range: USD 88K - USD 126K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 126K

USD 87,622 - USD 125,820 Range

Sysco LABS

Sysco LABS

Office Manager

USD 84,125

Range: USD 69K - USD 103K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 103K

USD 68,614 - USD 103,142 Range



Office Manager

USD 86,154

Range: USD 69K - USD 108K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 108K

USD 69,282 - USD 107,571 Range


Maverick Retail Advisors

Office Manager - Hourly

USD 33

Range: USD 27 - USD 40
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations

USD 27

USD 40

USD 27 - USD 40 Range

Rocket Fuel

Rocket Fuel

Office Manager

USD 84,758

Range: USD 68K - USD 106K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 106K

USD 67,797 - USD 105,962 Range

International Institute of the Bay Area

International Institute of the Bay Area

Office Manager

USD 71,091

Range: USD 61K - USD 83K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations



USD 60,623 - USD 83,366 Range



Office Manager

USD 90,414

Range: USD 71K - USD 115K
1 salaries
See 32 salaries from all locations


USD 115K

USD 71,229 - USD 115,276 Range

View as data table

Office Manager in Redwood City, CA Salaries

Job titleLocationSalary
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/hr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/hr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/hr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/hr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/hr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/hr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Office Manager salaries - MISSING VALUE salaries reportedRedwood City, CA/yr
Viewing 1 - 2 of 2

Frequently asked questions about an Office Manager salaries

The average salary for an Office Manager is USD 84,214 per year in Redwood City, CA. Salaries estimates are based on 39712 salaries submitted anonymously to Glassdoor by an Office Manager employees in Redwood City, CA.

The highest salary for an Office Manager in Redwood City, CA is USD 108,035 per year.

The lowest salary for an Office Manager in Redwood City, CA is USD 66,138 per year.

Office manager jobs offer insider access to a variety of professions. While base pay is modest, the role provides the opportunity for well-organized individuals with a high school diploma to see behind the scenes of their chosen field through a support role. Candidates can increase their pay by gaining work experience, working for private-sector firms rather than non-profits or government agencies, or upskilling through community college courses.

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Around 67% of office managers are satisfied with the salary they make currently. In addition to their base salary, some office managers earn annual bonuses. Often, they can make a higher salary by earning a bachelor's degree in communications or a related field.

Office managers can make a higher salary by earning a bachelor's or master's degree in business administration or a related field if they don't currently have one. Certifications or classes in commonly used systems like Microsoft Office can also help an office manager move into a higher position and earn more. Most office managers already have relevant experience in an administrative role, and as they gain more experience and demonstrate their expertise in the role, they can expect their salary to increase. Because salaries vary by location, moving to a place where their skills are in higher demand can also increase pay.

Before searching for a new office manager job or setting up a meeting to ask about a raise, the first thing you need to do is research the average salary of office managers in your area with your experience and in your industry. If you're asking for a raise, try to negotiate 10% to 20% above the average. Remember that you may be countered with an offer between your requested amount and the initial offer or your current salary. Factor that into the amount you request next. Review any recent performance evaluations before the meeting about a raise, so you know what to expect in the discussion.

About 66.67% of Office Manager professionals feel satisfied with their salary, according to anonymous Glassdoor ratings. An additional $11,521 in potential pay per year, among other factors, can qualify the annual pay of an Office Manager in Redwood City, CA as a good salary.

Office Manager professionals in Redwood City, CA have a wide total pay range, between $53,247 and $134,566 depending on experience, with an estimated total pay of $84,214 following the average career path of an Office Manager.



office manager


Redwood City